allied adj. 1.同盟的,同盟国的。 2.姻亲的。 3.同源的;类似的。 4.〔A-〕(第一次世界大战中)协约国的;(第二次世界大战中)同盟国的。 the A- and Associated Powers (第一次世界大战的)协约国。 the A- Military Government (第二次世界大战中的)同盟国军政府〔略 AMG〕。
Medical social workers also contribute and assist in the teaching of student - professionals in medicine , nursing , social work and other allied health professions on the social and psychological implications of illness and disabilities 此外,医务社工又协助培训医科、护理、社会工作及其他专职医护行业的学生,向他们讲解疾病及残疾带来的社会和心理问题。
Allied health professions are health care professions distinct from dentistry, nursing, medicine, and pharmacy. One estimate reported allied health professionals make up 60 percent of the total health workforce.